Officer Friendly?

[ politics, ]
June 01, 2011

Overview of some of the abuses perpetrarted by the police at the G20 summit in Toronto.

After a year, Byron Sonne has just been released on bail, with all charges (including a "possession of dangerous weapons" charge for a potato gun) dropped except an explosives charge. His (now) ex wife was in jail also, but had all her bogus charges dropped. Details are scarce due to a publication ban, but there are a few stories around: CBC, boingboing, and from his supporters.

He also had a charge for "counseling the commission of an indictable offence" added. I didn't even know this was possible until reading about the G20 (a lot of the 1105 people "arrested" and charged were for "conspiracy to commit mischief" and the like). You can read more stories of these so-called "arrests" in this account.

Oh yeah, and this cost a mere thousand million dollars (aka "$1 billion", or nearly 1% of Ontario's $126 billion budget for 2010 or over 10% of Toronto's $9.2 billion budget).